Global Industry Forum: Electronic Signatures in 2021

Help Address Electronic Signatures Defeciencies in Tax Compliance
The Global Industry Forum is back to tackle a new key issue affecting the industry, for the benefit of the industry at large. Electronic Signatures. It has become the 'new normal' for the industry to have more online interaction with customers making the topic of electronic signatures vs the reliance on post and wet signatures more critically relevant than ever before.
Join TAINA's working group who aims to address deficiencies in the current allowances regarding Electronic Signatures.This working group will create a recommendation and feedback to Information Reporting Service Advisory Council (IRSAC) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on a complete view on where the industry wants to utilize electronic signatures. The Industry Working Group will propose the standard and agree the next steps towards adoption.
We would like to have participation from both firms and leaders from buy and sell side, to cover a diverse set of views and needs on the use of electronic signature. Register now to get involved, next live meeting on is Wednesday 24th of March at 10 am (EST) which will be focussed around the popular topic of identifying the proper approach to solving for the needs under 1446(f) and electronic communication of 1446(f) withholding exception attestation.