Withholding Tax Statement

Are complex, multi-tier withholding statements costing you valuable time and resources? Creating, processing and validating complex intermediary structures can be a time-consuming process that can tie up valuable tax operations resources.

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Build and Validate Complex Intermediary Structures

Automate your processing of complex withholding statements with our advanced multi-tier manager and withholding statement capabilities. Our tax operative’s validation portal supports the creation, validation, and visualization of IMY tree structures.

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Integrate with our withholding tax calculator

Enable your tax teams to upload withholding statements including; Detailed, Simple, Alternative and Pooled for processing, editing and intermediary tree visualization. Withholding rates of beneficial owners, partners and transactions can be visualised in the TAINA platform by uploading a withholding statement and underlying owner forms.

TAINA tech, taina tax, withholding statement, Withholding statements, withholding tax statement, tax withholding software, wt tax, withholding rates

Create and Edit withholding statements

Create or edit uploaded withholdings statements using the TAINA multi-tier manager digital editor web interface. Our digital editor allows tax operatives to see and edit intermediary, pool or owner information, validation results, add IMY tiers and edit withholding rates. 

TAINA imy, taina technology, withholding statement, Withholding statements, withholding tax statement, tax withholding software, wt tax, withholding rates

Reduce cost and time spent processing IMY transactions

Save time by eliminating the need for Tax Operatives to calculate and apply withholding rates manually to each IMY transaction. The TAINA Platform will provide a breakdown of any beneficial owners and underlying IMYs and then calculate and apply the appropriate withholding rates.

TAINA imy, taina technology, withholding statement, Withholding statements, withholding tax statement, tax withholding software, wt tax, withholding rates